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Why Choose Irish Dance!

  • Increase Stamina & Overall Fitness

  • Balance & Coordination 

  • Improve Flexibility

  • Increase Muscle Strength

  • Improves Listening Skills 

  • Enhances Memory

  • Increase Confidence

  • Healthy Competitive Spirit

  • Learning the importance of dedication, perseverance, and goal setting

  • Skills that can be applied to daily life (time management, discipline, winning & losing, etc.)


Despite its cultural and heritage roots, Irish Dancing has transformed into a highly competitive sport. It is physically demanding, therefore dancers must dedicate their time to proper training. This also includes making healthy life choices in terms of food, exercise, and overall wellbeing. As a school, we pride ourselves in our well rounded program which offers dancers not just physical training, but the emotional and mental support needed for our athletes. We also offer a variety of workshops (and now an online portal), throughout the year to provide our dancers with these skills.

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